Shy Burnley boy praised for rescuing big brother who suffered seizure at cinema

Leon, Kyle and younger brother AidenLeon, Kyle and younger brother Aiden
Leon, Kyle and younger brother Aiden
A shy primary school pupil has been praised after he came to the rescue of his older brother who had suffered a seizure at the cinema.

Eleven-year-old Kyle Neal showed maturity and coolness beyond his years when his brother Leon, who suffers from autism, suffered a seizure at Reel Cinemas in Burnley where the pair were watching Toy Story 4.

Quick-thinking Kyle put Leon (20) into the recovery position, a technique he had learned in first-aid training at his school St Peter's in Burnley, and went to get help from cinema staff. When paramedics arrived he then detailed all the specific issues that Leon faces due to his autism.

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Proud parents Russel and Donna Neal told the Express how happy they were with "amazing" Kyle.


Russel said: "Kyle is a very quiet boy, who suffers from anxiety himself, but he was so brave and mature in helping his brother. Kyle has never witnessed Leon have a seizure but he reacted in just the right way.

"When paramedics arrived he told them all about Leon, for instance that he doesn't like being touched and that he doesn't like metal. They said he was amazing. Kyle has always been shy and is due to start at Blessed Trinity this September so I think this will really help his confidence."

Kyle, who lives in Rosehill and plays football for Rosegrove Ninjas, put his actions down to training he has received at school.

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St Peter's headteacher Catherine Greenwood said: "St John's Ambulance staff have been coming in to school once a week to give first-aid training to our Year 6. You hope that they never need to put it into practice but in this situation Kyle did. I believe he remained very calm and collected.

"I am proud he was able to draw on his experience that he has gained at school. He is also very modest because he didn't tell anyone at school about the incident!"

Grateful mum Donna said: "I am pleased the school has got some recognition for showing the children these crucial first-aid skills, because I will always be forever grateful to them.

"I think this will really boost Kyle's confidence, especially as he is in the last few weeks at primary school before he moves onto high school in September to start his next adventure in life."

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