Drug addict threatened police

Burnley Magistrates' CourtBurnley Magistrates' Court
Burnley Magistrates' Court
A drug addict who repeatedly refused to leave Burnley Cash Converters, threatened police, a court heard.

Dominic Ian Slater was said to be "under the influence of something". He swore at police and told them: "I'm going to smash you."

The town's magistrates were told Slater's mother had died a year before and a combination of sadness and alcohol left him unable to remember what he did.

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Slater, 32, of no fixed address, admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, on September 9. He was fined £40, with a £30 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Miss Charlotte Crane, prosecuting, said security staff were concerned and called police. The defendant was asked to leave, refused and continued to walk round. He refused a second time and then made a threat when asked the third time. She added: "The root of the offending behaviour appears to be drug- related."

Mr Nick Dearing, defending, said Slater had been "acting up". The solicitor added: "He knows he behaved in a disgraceful fashion."