Fair Trade chocolate workshops for Lancashire schools

Bruce Crowther pictured with some of The Fig Tree's Fair Trade chocolateBruce Crowther pictured with some of The Fig Tree's Fair Trade chocolate
Bruce Crowther pictured with some of The Fig Tree's Fair Trade chocolate
Lancashire based  Fair Trade campaigners The Fig Tree are offering half price chocolate making workshops for schools throughout 2020.

The Fig Tree, which formerly had premises in Garstang, says the success of its Fair Trade home made chocolate sales means it can subsidise the events.

Spokesman Bruce Crowther said: “That is a remarkable cost of just £150 for a whole day chocolate making session to include a Fair Trade presentation and additional elements on global citizenship and/or the British Transatlantic slave trade if desired.”

Booking forms can be obtained by sending an email to Brucecrowther300@gmail.com

Adult/community group workshops can also be arranged.

* The Fig Tree produced 72,568g chocolate in 2019.

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